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IntroductionOrder of ArisingKavanah of Washing HandsKavanah of BlessingsKavanah and Order of ShacharitKavanah of Tzitzit and TefillinOrder of Priestly ServiceKavanah of Barukh She'amarKavanah of BarekhuKavanah of the Sitting PrayerKavanah of ShemaKavanah of AmidahKavanah of TachanunKavanah of HallelReading of the TorahOrder of Ashrei and Uva LeTzionOrder of KavehKavanah of AleinuOrder of Torah StudyOrder of Torah EducationOrder of Relief Before the Meal, WashingCommemorating the Destruction, Grace After MealsOrder of Daily ConductOrder of MinchaOrder of ArvitOne Hundred BlessingsOrder of Bedtime ShemaConjugal ConductPreparing for ShabbatOrder of Kabbalat ShabbatOrder of KiddushFriday Night DinnerOrder of Morning BlessingsOrder of Shabbat ShacharitOrder of Shabbat Torah ReadingOrder of MusafOrder of Daytime MealOrder of Shabbat MinchaOrder of Seudah ShlishitOrder of Arvit on Motzei ShabbatOrder of HavdalahOrder of Motzei ShabbatOrder of Bedikat ChametzOrder of the Seder PlateOrder of Recital of Korban PesachPreparing for the SederOrder of Pesach Arvit and KiddushOrder of Urchatz KarpasOrder of the HaggadahThe Ten PlaguesOrder of the First and Second Day of PesachOrder of Sefirat HaOmerChol HaMoedOrder of ShavuotSeventeenth of TammuzOrder of Tisha BeAvOrder of Fifteenth of AvOrder of Chodesh ElulOrder of Erev Rosh HaShanaOrder of Rosh HaShanaConduct for Rosh HaShanahConduct for the Ten Days Of RepentanceConduct for Yom KippurOrder of SukkahKavanah of LulavOrder of Lulav ShakingOrder of Hosha'ana Rabba and Simchat TorahConduct for Motzei SukkotOrder of ChanukahOrder of PurimExposition on Avot
About This Text
Author: Moshe ben Machir
Seder HaYom, meaning “Order of the Day,” was written by Rabbi Moshe ben Machir, a 16th-century halakhist and kabbalist of the Safed region. The book lays out a daily program of prayer and other behaviors, including holiday rituals, Torah study, and interpersonal commandments such as visiting the sick, and is intended to guide the average individual toward the best use of time throughout each day and year, with the fundamental goal of fulfilling God’s will. The work includes commentary and instructions regarding performance as well as accompanying devotions. It is the earliest source of several customs, most notably the popular Modeh Ani prayer, an expression of gratitude recited immediately upon awakening each day.