Ilustration Credit: Elad Lifshitz, Dov Abramson Studio

Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes Torah learning sweet. By engaging directly with texts and taking kids seriously as Jews, Devash helps children and grownups discover new ideas, values, and sweet morsels in the weekly Torah portion. Devash is designed for kids ages 7 and up to read independently, or together with families and teachers.
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- Midrash / מִדְרָשׁ
- Hashavat aveida (returning lost objects)
- The mitzvah of שִׁכְחָה - leaving forgotten grain for the poor
- There are a whole lot of mitzvot in our parashah. Are they just smushed together randomly? Or can we learn something from the order in which we find them?
- After a criminal has been executed, the Torah says the body has to be buried that day, because it's a curse to God to leave the person hanging. How is it a curse to God?
- Commentary / פַּרְשָׁנוּת
- Why do we have the mitzvah of sending away the mama bird to take the chicks from the nest?
- Who “didn’t fear God”—Amalek or Benei Yisrael?
- Moshe tells Benei Yisrael that when God changed Bilam’s curse into a blessing, it was done out of love. Why does he highlight God's love?
- Halakhah / הֲלָכָה
- Shaatnez (clothing that contains both wool and linen)
- Ma’akeh (having a wall or fence around a flat roof)
- A Moment of Hebrew / רֶגַע שֶׁל עִבְרִית