Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes Torah learning sweet. By engaging directly with texts and taking kids seriously as Jews, Devash helps children and grownups discover new ideas, values, and sweet morsels in the weekly Torah portion. Devash is designed for kids ages 7 and up to read independently, or together with families and teachers.
Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes Torah learning sweet. By engaging directly with texts and taking kids seriously as Jews, Devash helps children and grownups discover new ideas, values, and sweet morsels in the weekly Torah portion. This is for Parashat Tetzaveh.
Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes Torah learning sweet. By engaging directly with texts and taking kids seriously as Jews, Devash helps children and grownups discover new ideas, values, and sweet morsels in the weekly Torah portion. This is for Parashat Terumah.
Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes Torah learning sweet. By engaging directly with texts and taking kids seriously as Jews, Devash helps children and grownups discover new ideas, values, and sweet morsels in the weekly Torah portion. This is for Parashat Mishpatim.
Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes Torah learning sweet. By engaging directly with texts and taking kids seriously as Jews, Devash helps children and grownups discover new ideas, values, and sweet morsels in the weekly Torah portion. This is for Parashat Pekudei.
Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes Torah learning sweet. By engaging directly with texts and taking kids seriously as Jews, Devash helps children and grownups discover new ideas, values, and sweet morsels in the weekly Torah portion. This one is for Parashat Bo.
Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes Torah learning sweet. By engaging directly with texts and taking kids seriously as Jews, Devash helps children and grownups discover new ideas, values, and sweet morsels in the weekly Torah portion. This is for Parashat Va'Era.
Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes Torah learning sweet. By engaging directly with texts and taking kids seriously as Jews, Devash helps children and grownups discover new ideas, values, and sweet morsels in the weekly Torah portion. This one is for Parashat Shemot.
Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes Torah sweet. By engaging directly with texts and taking kids seriously as Jews, Devash helps children and adults discover new ideas, values, and sweet morsels in the weekly Torah portion. This one is for Parashat Bereishit.
Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes Torah learning sweet. By engaging directly with texts and taking kids seriously as Jews, Devash helps children and grownups discover new ideas, values, and sweet morsels in the weekly Torah portion. This one is for Parashat Yitro.
Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes Torah learning sweet. By engaging directly with texts and taking kids seriously as Jews, Devash helps children and grownups discover new ideas, values, and sweet morsels in the weekly Torah portion. This is for Parashat VaYakhel.
Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes Torah sweet. By engaging directly with texts and taking kids seriously as Jews, Devash helps children and adults discover new ideas, values, and sweet morsels in the weekly Torah portion. This one is for Parashat Shoftim.
Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes Torah learning sweet. By engaging directly with texts and taking kids seriously as Jews, Devash helps children and grownups discover new ideas, values, and sweet morsels in the weekly Torah portion. This is for Parashat Vayikra.
Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes Torah learning sweet. By engaging directly with texts and taking kids seriously as Jews, Devash helps children and grownups discover new ideas, values, and sweet morsels in the weekly Torah portion. This is for Parashat Beshallah.
Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes Torah sweet. By engaging directly with texts and taking kids seriously as Jews, Devash helps children and adults discover new ideas, values, and sweet morsels in the weekly Torah portion. This one is for Parashat Ki Teitzei.
Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes Torah learning sweet. By engaging directly with texts and taking kids seriously as Jews, Devash helps children and grownups discover new ideas, values, and sweet morsels in the weekly Torah portion. This is for Parashat Ki Tissa.
Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes Torah learning sweet. By engaging directly with texts and taking kids seriously as Jews, Devash helps children and adults discover new ideas, values, and sweet morsels in the weekly Torah portion. This one is for Parashat Naso.
Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes Torah sweet. By engaging directly with texts and taking kids seriously as Jews, Devash helps children and adults discover new ideas, values, and sweet morsels in the weekly Torah portion. This one is for Parashat Va'ethanan.
Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes Torah sweet. By engaging directly with texts and taking kids seriously as Jews, Devash helps children and adults discover new ideas, values, and sweet morsels in the weekly Torah portion. This one is for Parashat Pinhas.
Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes Torah sweet. By engaging directly with texts and taking kids seriously as Jews, Devash helps children and adults discover new ideas, values, and sweet morsels in the weekly Torah portion. This one is for Parashat Re'eh.
Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes Torah sweet. By engaging directly with texts and taking kids seriously as Jews, Devash helps children and adults discover new ideas, values, and sweet morsels in the weekly Torah portion. This one is for Parashat Ki Tavo.