Ilustration Credit: Elad Lifshitz, Dov Abramson Studio

Devash is a weekly parashah magazine that makes Torah learning sweet. By engaging directly with texts and taking kids seriously as Jews, Devash helps children and grownups discover new ideas, values, and sweet morsels in the weekly Torah portion. Devash is designed for kids ages 7 and up to read independently, or together with families and teachers.
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- Midrash / מִדְרָשׁ
- Who was Serah?
- Why does Moshe describe God as “the Lord of the spirits of all people?” What does that mean?
- Explore a midrash that says that Pinhas was actually the same person as Eliyahu Ha-Navi, the Prophet Elijah!
- Why does the Torah go back six generations—all the way to Yosef—when telling us about the benot Tzelofhad? What could it be trying to teach us?
- Commentary / פַּרְשָׁנוּת
- Why did Moshe have to bring Benot Tzelofhad's question to God? Was he really stumped?
- After Pinhas stops a plague by killing two guilty people with a spear, his reward from God is a בְּרִית שָׁלוֹם (covenant of peace). What is this brit shalom, and why might it be a fitting reward for Pinhas?
- Learn about “the three weeks,” the time between the 17th of Tamuz and the 9th of Av
- How do you decide what to do first when you have a whole list of things to do?
- A Moment of Hebrew / רֶגַע שֶׁל עִבְרִית