Illustration Credit: Elad Lifshitz, Dov Abramson Studio

Telisha gedolah is another fancy note that is somewhat unusual and only appears a few times in each parashah. It looks kind of like a lollipop pointing to the right and it is always placed at the beginning of a word, no matter where the accent is.
Though it sounds very similar to last week’s note (the telisha ketanah), the telisha gedolah is more flexible. It can end a musical phrase and it can be followed by a whole range of different notes. And though it isn’t very common, it appears seven times in just one chapter in our parashah. Here’s one of them:
זָ֠הָ֠ב תְּכֵ֨לֶת וְאַרְגָּמָ֜ן
Gold, blue, and purple
Can you find the rest of them in our parashah?
