The Rabbinical Assembly is the international association of Conservative/Masorti rabbis. We aim to kindle the passion of the Jewish People in the service of God, Torah and Klal Yisrael, to strengthen the Conservative/Masorti movement, and to support the Conservative/Masorti rabbi. Our nearly 1,700 members serve as congregational rabbis, educators, military and hospital chaplains, professors, and officers of communal service organizations throughout the world.
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Israel's Blessing: What does it mean?
An exploration on the foundation of the Children's blessing, a collection of interpretations of the blessing Israel gave to Joseph by means of Menasheh and Ephraim
Save "Sheet 616760"
Making a Source Sheet on the New Editor
Try out Sefaria's new editor with these step-by-step instructions.
Sefaria Education10823 ViewsMarch 22, 2022Tutorial,Sefaria,How To
Save "Sheet 393695"
Tea and Talmud Pesachim ch 10
This is a long source sheet for a Talmud class I teach at our shul. We've been studying Pesachim chapter 10 and I started using Sefaria for this class during the pandemic and at that point we were on page 108a.
Adam Stein5221 ViewsMay 20, 2021Adult Ed,Pesachim
Save "Sheet 325175"
White Lies
Not PublishedRabbi David Krishef16 ViewsJanuary 8, 2025White Lies
Save "Sheet 616090"
Cattle Breeders vs. Shepherds
Why do Joseph's brothers ignore his command to call themselves cattlemen rather than sheepmen?
Save "Sheet 614930"
Power, truth, and maturing
Exploring the power of truth telling and how to approach hard conversations
Save "Sheet 615142"
Serah bat Asher and the Power of Memory
Assorted sources on Serah bat Asher
Rabbi Miriam Spitzer568 ViewsJanuary 3, 2020Memory,Serah Bat Asher
Save "Sheet 209631"
Hanukkah 5785
Not PublishedRabbi Edward Bernstein29 ViewsDecember 23, 2024
Save "Sheet 613437"
Shabbat: What is it good for?
Two essential teachings about Shabbat are appended to our Kiddush, what do they teach us about the nature of the day?
Save "Sheet 586446"
13 Attributes
a brief teaching for selichot
Rabbi Meir Goldstein137 ViewsSeptember 28, 202413 Middot,Teshuvah,Selichot
Save "Sheet 594007"
Jewish Decisions--Elections
How to return to a shared society, one that contains many different ideas of best ideas for how to move forward
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What is the essential nature of a Sukkah?
Does a Sukkah represent clouds of Glory or actual wilderness dwellings?
Rabbi David Krishef168 ViewsOctober 14, 2024Sukkot, Skhakh
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Jonah's Prayer and Pirke DeRabbi Eliezer: Jonah's Otherworldly Journey
Text study for Avodah service during Yom Kippur
Rabbi David Krishef114 ViewsOctober 10, 2024Yom Kippur,High Holidays,Jonah
Save "Sheet 596342"
Parashat Bereshit - Triennial year two study sheet
Not PublishedRabbi David Krishef130 ViewsOctober 11, 2017
Save "Sheet 81997"
Tikkun Leil Shavuot, Kedushat Levi
A collection of the teachings of Rabbi Levi Yitzhak of Berdichev from the book Kedushat Levi, on Shavuot.
Save "Sheet 488216"
Deuteronomy 23:14 and Asher Yatzar
Connecting Deutonomy 23:14 and the Asher Yatzar blessing.
Rabbi David Krishef133 ViewsSeptember 9, 2024Body
Save "Sheet 588815"