Shabbat Shekalim 5785/2025. In a Jewish world post Oct. 7 2023 and all that followed, what do we as a community hold to be the minimum requirement of solidarity, as we define "belonging"?
Gratitude as an action (not only feeling) which grows out of noticing our indebtedness to all who have supported us (human and the more-than-human world). Based on the teaching of R’ Wolbe in his book Alei Shur & his teaching on the Kavvanah behind the words of Blessings.
Humility during redemption, compassion in the face of brokenness. A reading of the 10th plague and the exodus from Mitzrayim from a Mussar perspective.
An alternative Haftarah reading for Shabbat Vayishlach
You can read more about Shabbat Dinah, and about B'not Dinah - the Israeli Reform rabbinic group which initiated this conversation in the movement, here:
How do we wake up to our true self, and lift ourselves out of the proverbial "deep clay pit" we might sometimes find ourselves in. The text leans on the writings of R' Shlomo Wolbe in his book "Alei Shur".
Shabbat Vayishlach 5785, Dealing with the rape of Dinah, exploring the middah of silence, knowing when to speak up and the consequences of not speaking at the right time.
דף מקורות מלווה ללימוד קטע מתוך "מבוא לשער הרביעי" ספר עלי שור, חלק ראשון.