A collection of source sheets explaining prayers, often with YouTube videos of different musical versions.
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Hashiveinu: From Tisha B’Av to Torah Service
A basic overview of Tisha B'Av, with a focus on the Hashiveinu line at the end of Eicha. It also includes musical examples of Hashiveinu and Etz Chayim.
Save "Sheet 247237"
Personally Connecting to Birkot HaShachar
Questions to connect to the blessings of Birkot HaShachar, along with a recap of its evolution plus different examples of nusach and congregational melodies.
Save "Sheet 600539"
Personally Connecting to Yigdal
An examination of Yigdal with background, discussion questions, and musical examples, plus basic Biblical and Rabbinic sources for Jewish philosophy
Save "Sheet 531700"
Personally Connecting to Psalm 27
Questions and musical examples to deepen a personal connection to Psalm 27 and “Achat Sha’alti”
Save "Sheet 505950"
Personally Connecting to Havdalah
A sheet with questions to personally connect to Havdalah - also musical versions and the sources for each verse before the blessings.
Save "Sheet 366246"
Personally Connecting to the M’ein Sheva
This is a sheet about the mini-repetition of the Shabbat evening Amidah, complete with questions to find personal connection as well as musical examples.
Save "Sheet 517896"
Haftarah Machar Chodesh: A 3-Act Story
A set of questions to think more deeply about Haftarah Machar Chodesh, plus a Readers’ Theatre version.
Save "Sheet 514954"
Personally Connecting to Birkat HaMazon
A sheet giving background and posing questions to help connect with the basic parts of Birkat HaMazon, plus musical versions!
Save "Sheet 360261"
Al Hanisim
A sheet about the Chanukah prayer “Al Hanisim”, along with 5 explanations for why we celebrate for 8 days and light lights. Musical samples are included.
Save "Sheet 281722"