Mekhilta DeRabbi Shimon Ben Yochai
Midrash on the Book of Exodus from the school of Rabbi Akiva.
Mekhilta DeRabbi Yishmael
An early third-century midrashic collection from the land of Israel from the school of Rabbi Yishmael.
Midrash on the book of Leviticus from the school of Rabbi Akiva.
Sifrei Bamidbar
Midrash on the Book of Numbers from the school of Rabbi Yishmael.
Sifrei Zuta
Third-century midrash on the book of Numbers published in 1917, based on quotations from other works of midrash and manuscript fragments.
Sifrei Devarim
Midrash on the Book of Deuteronomy primarily from the school of Rabbi Akiva.
Midrash Rabbah
Collections of midrash on the five books of the Torah and the five megillot compiled over eight centuries
Aggadat Bereshit
10th-century midrash with 28 sections, each containing interpretations on one verse of Torah, one verse of Prophets, and one verse of Psalms.
Bereshit Rabbati
Anthology of interpretations on the Book of Genesis, attributed to 11th-century scholar Rabbi Moshe HaDarshan or his school.
Beur HaRadal on Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer
19th-century Lithuanian commentary on an aggadic (narrative) midrash, including the Vilna Gaon’s emendations to the midrashic text.
Ein Yaakov
Collections of the Talmud’s narrative material together with commentaries, compiled in the 16th century.
Ein Yaakov (Glick Edition)
Edition of the Ein Yaakov with a translation and footnotes by Rabbi Shmuel Tzvi-Hirsch Glick.
Legends of the Jews
20th-century compilation of midrashim from rabbinic literature on creation through the Esther story.
Midrash Aggadah
Anonymous midrashic commentary on the Torah first discovered and published in 1894.
Midrash Lekach Tov
Medieval commentary on the Torah and Megillot incorporating literal explanations and aggadah.
Midrash Mishlei
Medieval midrash on the Book of Proverbs with simple verse-by-verse commentary.
Sekhel Tov
Midrash on Genesis, Exodus, and a part of Leviticus, compiled in 12th-century Italy.
Midrash Shmuel
Compilation of narrative midrash on the Book of Samuel; the only work of midrash on a book of Prophets.
Midrash Tanchuma
Midrash on the Torah consisting of sermons related to the opening verses of biblical paragraphs and legal discussions.
Tanchuma Buber
Version of Midrash Tanchuma published by Solomon Buber in 1885 based on a manuscript he discovered.
Midrash Tehillim
Midrash on the Book of Psalms consisting of two distinct parts.
Yelamdenu, Selections from Yalkut Talmud Torah
14th-century collection of midrashim on the Book of Genesis.
Otzar Midrashim
20th-century encyclopedia of midrashim, including the full text of some shorter midrashim.
Par Echad on Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer
19th-century commentary on Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer by R. Hayyim Palache, a former chief rabbi of Izmir, Turkey
Pesikta DeRav Kahana
Talmudic-era midrash on the Torah portions and haftarot read on holidays and special Shabbatot.
Pesikta Rabbati
Medieval midrash on weekly Torah readings and those read on special occasions.
Pirkei DeRabbi Eliezer
Medieval midrash that retells and expands upon the stories of the Torah from creation through Miriam.
Seder Olam Rabbah
Second-century chronicle detailing dates of biblical events from creation to Alexander the Great.
Seder Olam Zutta
9th-century chronicle detailing dates of events from Adam through the talmudic period.
Sefer HaYashar (midrash)
Medieval midrash that retells biblical history from creation until the period of the judges
Sifrei Aggadah on Esther
Collection of three sets of midrash on the Book of Esther, edited and published from manuscripts by 19th-century scholar Solomon Buber
Tanna DeBei Eliyahu Rabbah
The first and larger part of a midrash attributed in the Talmud to Elijah the Prophet.
Tanna DeBei Eliyahu Zuta
The second and smaller part of a midrash attributed in the Talmud to Elijah the prophet
Yalkut Shimoni on Nach
Medieval compilation of earlier midrashim arranged according to the verses of the Prophets and Writings.
Yalkut Shimoni on Torah
Medieval compilation of earlier midrashim arranged according to the verses of the Torah.
Modern Texts
Learning to Read Midrash
21st-century English book that presents a systematic method to study Midrash
Sifrei Zuta; Midrashah shel Lod
20th-century work of essays by R. Prof. Saul Lieberman about the unique content and language of Sifrei Zuta on Numbers
About Midrash
Midrash is a genre of Jewish literature that interprets and elaborates upon biblical texts. While midrash began as an oral genre in the Second Temple period, the earliest rabbinic collections are from the third century. Different collections of rabbinic teachings employ similar methods of interpretation, including reading distant biblical verses in light of each other to generate deeper insights into both narrative and legal biblical texts.
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