Ohr Binyamin distributes free Jewish Berakha Cards, Siddurim & Coloring Books. We Offer a Selection of Materials for Jews that Are interested in Self Growth and Improvement - Including Jewish Self Help materials & material for the Jew that wants to grow but doesn't know where to start. For the Jew that knows but needs a hand to reach higher.
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Hash·m Loves Me!
Anything that Happens to us is for the Good. Hash-m Loves Us. Internalize it & Live a more serene existence.
Matatia Chetrit295 ViewsApril 9, 2024Joy,Hashem,Love Hash-M
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Shema Yisrael Reading With Transliteration
It is a Mitzvah to Recite the Shema Yisrael twice daily - in the Daytime and at night. English Translation, Hebrew and Transliteration
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Opportunities to Clean the Slate - Teshuva / Repentance - 4 Steps of Repentance בס ' ד
(Rambam / Maimonides - Mishne Torah - Book of Knowledge - Laws of Repentance – Ch. 2 & 4 )
Matatia Chetrit476 ViewsApril 9, 2024Repentance,Teshuva,Rambam
Save "Sheet 557498"
Tehillim and Prayer for Safety of Klal Yisrael & Release of Hostages
Tehillim and Prayer for Safety of Klal Yisrael & Release of Hostages
Matatia Chetrit2002 ViewsApril 9, 2024Klal Yisrael,Hostages,Safety
Save "Sheet 557493"
Prayer for Peace of Mind
Reading this Chapter (3) of Habakkuk - helps a person gain peace of mind. Prayer to Hash-m also helps.
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